Immaculate Conception Church

Our Mission is to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus through Word, Sacraments and Works. To form our community in the traditions and teachings of our Catholic faith, to care for one another and the community at large, and to bring others to know Jesus by our witness and example.

Mass Times & Office Hours

Daily Mass:

Monday - Saturday 7:00 am
Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 pm (Spanish)

Anticipation Mass:

Saturday 5:00 pm


7:30 am English Mass

10:00 am English Mass

12:00 pm Spanish Mass

2:00 pm Spanish Mass

5:00 pm Youth Mass


Tuesday and Thursday 5:00 pm (Church) through screen only
Saturday 3:30 pm (Church) through screen only; Or by appointment

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Friday: CLOSED

In case of an emergency after hours, please call: 

our church office at 479-783-7963, press 5, and

leave a message. Someone should contact you shortly. 


Mass Intentions
Minister Schedule
Long Term Prayer List
Parish Financial Information
Bible Studies at our Parish





Volunteers of the Week 

This week we want to recognize, Rocio Diaz and Maria Rodriguez For their time and service as sacristans for the 12pm and 2pm Mass.  We are very thankful for you!



Religious Education Preparation

First Communion classes for children-
Classes have started. Please call the church office for more information.
• Confirmation Year I-
Classes have started. Please call the church office for more information.
• Confirmation Year II-
Classes start Sunday, September 22 from 6:15 to 8:00pm in the Parish Center. Please call the church office for more information.
PRE (parish religious education) classes-
Classes have started. Please call the church office for more information.
RCIA for children-
Classes start. Please call the church office for more information.
RCIA for Adults-
Stop by the church office during office hours to register. Classes start September 10th, 7:00 pm in the St. Anne's 4th floor. 
Adults meeting for Confirmation and First Communion preparation-
 Stop by the church office during office hours to register. Classes start September 10th, 7:00 pm in the St. Anne's 4th floor. 

 Sisters of Mercy Tutoring Program

At this time we will not have the Sisters of Mercy Tutoring Program.

Letter from Fr. John Antony

3-31-2021 Recently Bishop Taylor relaxed additional restrictions to protect against the pandemic, taking effect April 1, Holy Thursday. Click here to see how we will implement them here at I.C.

Letter from Bishop Taylor

11-12-2020 Please find below a statement from Bishop Taylor on the “Report on the Holy See’s Institutional Knowledge and Decision-Making Related to Former Cardinal Theodore Edgar McCarrick (1930 to 2017)” issued November 10, 2020.

10-22-2020 Please find below a clarification from Bishop Taylor regarding Pope Francis’ statement about Civil Unions.

09-25-2020 Please find attached a message from Bishop Taylor regarding lifting the dispensation from the obligation of in-person Sunday Mass attendance, effective October 1, 2020.

06-02-2020 Please find attached my statement on the topic of racism,  as well as the famous letter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. from a Birmingham jail in 1963.  Many of us are too young to remember the struggle for civil rights and all of us can benefit from a refresher on just how crucial this struggle is for anyone who would consider themselves a Christian.

02-24-2020 Please find a letter from Bishop Taylor regarding an updated version of a document titled Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, issued every four years by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Please find below a letter from Bishop Taylor regarding Corona Virus precautions. It is available in English and Spanish.

Fort Smith Catholic Schools: Strategic Growth Plan Update

Please take a moment and click here to see an update on the collaborative Strategic Growth Plan February 2020 for the future of Catholic Schools in Fort Smith.

Please take a moment and click here to see an update on the collaborative Strategic Growth Plan May 2019 for the future of Catholic Schools in Fort Smith. 

Please take a moment and click here to see an update on the collaborative Strategic Growth Plan March 2019 for the future of Catholic Schools in Fort Smith. 





Parish Events

In Our Community


Subscribe to Arkansas Catholic 

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- The print edition is delivered to your mailbox every week. Subscriptions are only $32 a year ($30 for seniors). Pick up a subscription envelope in the pews, visit or call (501) 664-0125.

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Every Tuesday afternoon, you will get an email with a link to access the latest edition.

Anuncios en Español


La Parroquia de Cristo Rey, Fort Smith, les invita a un Estudio Biblico en Español, 7:00pm en el Salón Parroquial. Estara dirigido por el Diacono Fausto. 



Reconocimientos de la Semana 

Esta semana queremos reconocer a Roció Diaz y Maria Rodríguez Por su tiempo y servicio como sacristanas de las Misas de 12pm y de 2pm. Gracias por todo lo que hacen por su parroquia!



Carta de Nuestro Sacerdote, Padre Juan

03-31-2021 Recientemente el Obispo Taylor dio de baja a varias restricciones para protegernos de la pandemia, estas tomaran efecto el 1 de Abril, Jueves Santo. De la siguiente manera las implementaremos aquí en la Iglesia Inmaculada Concepción.

Carta de Nuestro Obispo Taylor


10-22-2020 Aclaración sobre la declaración del Papa Francisco sobre las uniones civiles

09-25-2020 Sobre levantar la suspension de la obligacion de la Misa Dominical, a partir del 1ero de Octubre del 2020

06-02-2020 Declaración del Obispo Taylor sobre el tema del Racismo

Actualización del Plan Estrategico de Crecimiento de las Escuelas Católicas de Fort Smith 

Toma un momento y haz clic aqui para mas información sobre el Plan de Desarrollo Estrategico Febrero 2020 para el futuro de las Escuelas Católicas de Fort Smith. 

Toma un momento y haz clic aqui para mas información sobre el Plan de Desarrollo Estrategico Mayo 2019 para el futuro de las Escuelas Católicas de Fort Smith. 

Toma un momento y haz clic aqui para mas información sobre el Plan de Desarrollo Estrategico Marzo 2019 para el futuro de las Escuelas Católicas de Fort Smith.





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